We invite, encourage and solicit your help in continuing this important service to our comrades, brothers in arms; and their families in the Oroville community.

Honor Guard participation is a worthy calling and by honoring our passing comrades, we bring honor to not only our local Veteran’s Service Organizations, but to our community and to ourselves. We believe our personal service helps us individually; we believe it is helping to make our Country, our community and our town a better place to live.

Typically, there are about 10 services each year. We provide uniforms on loan at no cost. Please think about attending our monthly meeting at the Oroville Veterans Memorial Hall on Montgomery Street in downtown Oroville, on the second Wednesday of each month at one o'clock pm (1300 hours). You will be welcomed by current Honor Guard members to participate in, or simply observe, our practice of service ritual details that include folding the U.S. Flag, rifleman manual of Arms, cleaning of rifles, etc.

All members participate on a rotational basis. Not every member is able to attend every service, therefore we cross train each member in order for each of us are capable of performing each of the various functions required for the military honors ritual; but consideration and accommodations are made for any preferences an individual may have.

Just show up, no prior notice is required at our regular monthly meeting; you will be welcomed in mutual helpfulness and comradeship. We look forward to discussing the how’s and whys of helping each other to honor our brother's, comrades and our community.


We would like to invite you to join a group in our town which provides a great service to those who served and passed on in our community; The Oroville Honor Guard.

The Oroville Honor Guard is a multi-veteran organization in Oroville, CA which includes VFW Oroville Post 1747, VFW Warren Scott Post 9602, AMVETS Post 1774 and American Legion Post 95. Ultimately, it is your decision to be part of this veteran’s organization which has the honor to preside over the funerals of our fallen comrades. The Oroville Honor Guard consists solely of volunteers; they have expressed the desire that they be given the duty and obligation of performing military honors for those men and women who have served this nation in the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

If you are interested in becoming a member of The Oroville Honor Guard, please contact VFW Oroville Post 1747 Honor Guard Chairman, Sam Bebout via phone at (530) 894-4924 or via email at nbebout33@yahoo.com.